After two Norman installments, I still have no idea what the purpose is.
30 August 2017
My second short with Norman and I'm just as confused as I was after watching the first - Welcome Back, Norman. In this one, Norman checks into a hotel only to discover they've lost his reservation. Norman is given another room, but because of a taxidermy convention, the new room isn't as nice as what he'd originally asked for. As expected, nothing goes right for Norman. From little things like stubbing his toe to having the water cut off in his shower after he's soaped-up - if it can go wrong, it does.

I rate shorts with two things in mind - is it entertaining and is it effective. Entertaining - yes, although only mildly so. Some of Norman's antics, particularly in the shower, were quite funny. And I enjoyed the way Norman never spoke during the entire run-time. Only heavy sighs and the look of a man who has been beaten down. On to the second criteria, effective - I'm not sure. After two Norman installments, I still have no idea what the purpose is. If it's merely entertainment, it's reasonably entertaining. If I was supposed to get anything else out of the short, that message went straight over my head. Anyway, a 5/10 from me.
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