Review of RWD

RWD (2015)
these people lack critical thinking
2 September 2017
Warning: Spoilers
the film almost takes too long to hook you in, but once it does it does so quite effectively it moves slowly getting to the climax point, where it then reveals the conceit of the movie as evidenced in the title and tagline; when they rewind their camera they go back in time to where they'd filmed earlier, and encounter their past selves. we then see it's been their future selves messing with their past selves, scaring them and the like.

it keeps going along this route with seemingly no clear purpose, until suddenly one of them decides he wants to kill his past self. after doing so, another future version of himself appears and kills him.

then it devolves into a manic scenario of dozens of different copies of the two guys running around and killing each other with no clear distinction as to which pair "belongs". the ending seems to indicate one of the pairs is done dicking around and is trying to clean up by killing off all the duplicates.

initially I thought these people lack critical thinking, as I saw coming a mile away the end result of these idiots ending up with dozens of copies of themselves, or with themselves endlessly killing themselves.

the more I think of it, the more I think it might be some manner of commentary on what a pack of dudebros would do with time-travel copies of themselves, and how, after a period of jokes and pranks on their past selves gets old, it ends up devolving into murder.

aside from that, it was mostly fun to watch, although the characters tended to be highly unlikeable
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