Little House on the Prairie: Whisper Country (1978)
Season 4, Episode 15
A very scary episode
9 September 2017
Warning: Spoilers
At the beginning of the episode Mary is offered a position as a teacher in a little community and she is joyful with the idea of teaching but when Rev Alden drives her to the village she is bewildered by the children who all seem to be frightened and cannot speak.She soon discovers that the chief of the community Miss Peel is the reason of their terror but she hasn't seen everything yet.When she comes home with Katie an adorable brunette she will realize that Katie's father is very antipathetic and criticizes her on her new dress considered not proper for dinner and her conversations that he will blame. Mary who is smiling and warm cannot understand this hostility and very soon all the village will see her as a witch while Miss Peel's adversity reach the highest degree...This episode really disturbed me the first time it was aired and i felt so bad for Poor Mary who is considered as a devil knowing she is bright and sunny and brings the light everywhere she goes.Miss Peel or Anita dangler is really frightening and she is almost practicing witchcraft as she curses Mary and thinks she is responsible of all the trouble.Fortunately the end is a deliverance as we understand why miss Peel is so full of hatred towards teachers and i almost felt pity for her.Mary or Melissa Sue anderson gave a very great performance here,persevering in a school despite the adversity and keeping calm ,trying to arrange things..She is the example of braveness in this community which evokes me a little the Amish community cut off from the outside world and progress and intolerant to new ideas.
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