Review of The Work

The Work (2017)
Prison group therapy explores our worlds' hatreds of others as self-hatreds.
22 September 2017
'The Work' was an extraordinary experience exploring individual personal extremes of violent feelings towards others and oneself. The group therapy sessions with three facilitators and about 10 violent prison inmates resonated excruciating memories, with individual outbursts requiring intense therapeutic physical restraint by many peers. Each prisoner's soul searching self disclosures clearly presented to all viewers the fact that violent hatred of others has its source in one's self-hatred. I have experienced these revelations working in therapeutic holds with violent hateful severely disturbed adolescents at Tri-County Youth in Northampton, MA. The notion that hatreds of others are acquired but unrecognized self-hatreds has ramifications beyond group therapy to the world at large. Racism, genocide, wars, colonialism, slavery and much beyond are at their source unrecognized self-hatreds. Christ's forgotten admonitions, 'Don't judge!' and 'Have empathy for your enemies' ring true worldwide as our forthcoming non-violent future. Violence was virtually reduced by half in the 20th century. We're but a few centuries away from our thousands of years of peace.
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