Star Trek: Discovery: The Vulcan Hello (2017)
Season 1, Episode 1
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1 October 2017
What an intergalactic mess, Please make it not so.

I am a devotee to Star Trek. I love it, I've watched every episode from each production many times over.

During those decades of watching, you build an affinity to the theme and vision of the overall story, the structure, the characters, the forward movement—to boldly go where you haven't gone before. So why in the heck, has Star Trek put on the brakes of going forward and has started going backward with the wonderful universe they have created.

The TV show Enterprise, the three new movies and now Star Trek Discovery, all have gone backward in time. And all lack the freshness, the adventure, the unknown of the other shows.

Can you imagine if lived was like that?

My family had the old black wall wired phone when I was going up. We graduated to a modular phone with color, then wireless phones, cells and now smart phones. Would anybody like to back to those old obsolete phones?

So, why is a sci-f- show created to give us a positive glimpse of the future, constantly going backward?

OK that's bad enough, but the new ST Discovery doesn't even feel like a trek show. While Spock was brilliant and courageous, their science officer is a coward. Kirk and Spock, Picard and Ryker, Sisko and Kira, Janeway and Chakotay were tight. In just the first episode of Discovery you have the first officer committing mutiny. The Klingons look like a cross between turtles and large pieces of liver. They can barely move with all the make-up and bulky costumes. Overall if you take away the trek badges and emblems and I wouldn't have any idea what the show was about.

The sets and effects are terrific, as they should be with 2017 technology. However, they are used in a vehicle that bears no resemblance to the Star Trek I have loved for a half century. Why work so hard to build a great story structure, then ignore it.

And of course, the final insult, showing one episode on regular TV then hiding the rest of them on the Internet. Some say the show has a "cinematic look." Yeah, a cinematic look that's doomed to laptops. It's quite clear that CBS is not interested in making true Star Trek, it's interested in making millions of dollars and it's using trek to establish that money base.

Overall, I think Gene Roddenberry would be turning in his grave over this money-making contraption they call Star Trek Discovery.
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