Blood Drive (2017)
I had SO much fun watching this
10 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Oh My GOD what an awesome fun, gory good time! I thought early on before I actually saw the first episode, that this was going to be campy and hokey, and not going to work as it needed to. Thank You to the network for taking the chance and pushing the censorship envelope to the max on this.

I love horror, and I love grindhouse/exploitation horror even more, and I worried that ScyFy was going to turn this into a really bad CGI crapfest. So glad I was wrong, I was hooked from the opening credits. This was spectacular, and I hope Hope HOPE they continue this on and make more.

If you like Tarrentino, or Rodriguez, or wish that Rob Zombie could make a good movie, give this a shot, because this show is great. Colin Cunningham was PERFECT as Julien Slink. The only spoiler is, if you have this saved on your DVR, don't fast forward the commercials, there are easter eggs through out the entire hour.
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