Leatherface (2017)
The Unfortunate Effect of Rob Zombie
14 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This is what happens when 'Hollywood' lets Rob Zombie make movies. Leatherface would have and COULD have been a good film, if not for the film makers having been influenced by Rob Zombie and his terrible movies, trying to re-imagine classic characters and stories.

I gave this a rating of '4' because I am a fan of gore FX, and the special effects were very well done, but there were scenes that went for the cringe factor, but weren't necessary to the story ala Rob Zombie... and that this was the last production credit for Toby Hooper, but that's it.

I don't blame the actors at all, they acted 'as directed' and IF this was a Rob Zombie film, it would work for his style, but this movie comes off more as a Rob Zombie knock off, and nothing more.

This was supposed to be a prequel to the original, and it lacks the drama and tension of the original which is sacrificed for the one this that the original didn't need. Gore. Too bad really, because if this was directed correctly, it could've been really really good.
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