Made Out Alive: Agonisingly poor zombie effort
13 November 2017
I enjoy low budget movies, I do not seek flair and grandiose but I do believe people should stick within their financial means. In other words if you have £500 don't make a movie about UFOs attacking earth.

Indie movie creators have the habit of leaning towards the zombie sub-genre because they are cheap to make. But they still do require money to an extent to look credible and they alike every other genre require some talent.

Made Out Alive is a criminally boring, dull and lifeless zombie film which doesn't deliver on any front. The cast are so generic you could easily mistake one for the other, the script is poor, the soundtrack is bland and the whole movie is outstandingly boring. I don't mean it's because it isn't action packed, it doesn't need to be but it does need to have substance and this is lacking.

Horrible excuse for a movie let alone a zombie one.

The Good:

About 2% of the script

The Bad:

Shoddy editing

Unforgivably boring

Bland characters

Dreadful sound quality

Things I Learnt From This Movie:

I still hate sprinting zombies

When recording a movie it's advisable to use a microphone as opposed to a potato
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