Roosters are seldom found roosting on eggs . . .
3 December 2017
Warning: Spoilers
. . . so Americans have been wondering for decades about WHAT Warner Bros.' always prophetic Extreme Early Warning System aimed at We Citizens of (The Then) Far Future meant to represent with Foghorn Leghorn's egg-sitting duties, as depicted here in THE EGGCITED ROOSTER by Warner's Animated Shorts Seers division (aka, The Looney Tuners). Wonder no more, America. It's crystal clear that the "egg" here symbolizes the nest egg of American Wealth, of which an Evil Insidious Gang of Billionaire Oligarchs now hoards 99%, leaving We True Blue Loyal Patriotic Honest Normal Average 99 Per Center Silent Majority Progressive Union Label Citizens to quibble over the literal crumbs of the remaining measly ONE PER CENT!! (How can this be, you might wonder, if you think that you own a home, a car, and have "money in the bank"? The answer to this query is that most if not all of We 99 Per Centers are in hock up to our eyebrows, with mortgages, student loans, credit card debt, etc., etc., etc.) Warner Bros. uses the rather lame character of Leghorn Foghorn to warn us that we're getting scalped in the end--like he does here in THE EGGCITED EGG--unless we OUTLAW job-killing Corrupt Red Commie Corporate Capitalism ASAP and exile all of KGB Chief Vlad "The Mad Russian" Putin's Fellow-Traveling Repug Party Traitors to Antarctica AFTER confiscating "their" ill-gotten wealth and paying off the "national debt" we've allowed them to foist upon us!
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