Dinner for One (1963 TV Short)
A Gem of Humour
1 January 2018
Other reviews cover the virtues of this short made-for-television film from 1963. However, the mystery remains, or rather, the mysteries since there are two of them. (1) Why do the Germans (and several other countries) watch this film every year? and (2) Why have the English never broadcast it, not even once? I offer my humble opinion on both of these points.

First, I think the main reason that this film is viewed so often that it holds the record for the most broadcast film of all time is that it is funny. Yes, simple as that. This does not mean that everyone who watches it will find it funny. There is no accounting for different tastes. Some critics say it only has two gags! So? Is humour measured by the number of gags or cameras or dollars or what? For me this short film is a gem of humour honing the art to its simplest form.

Second point, why do the English not broadcast it? I believe this has something to do with the fact that the original film is shot in German. Nowadays, the English do not have a problem with anything originating from Germany. That's not the point. I think it's just that this original film with the titles and introduction in German may be offputting to English broadcasters. Another reason might be that technology is making it harder to show material that is shot in lower resolutions.

One more question remains for me: why do the Irish not broadcast it? Methinks it's because they haven't heard of it. Time to change that. Come on, Irish television, let your viewers see this little gem of humour!

Finally, a tip for those who want to watch the film on youtube: there are lots of versions out there, some of them woeful remakes to be avoided at all costs. The orginal can be found by looking for "Dinner for One oder Der 90. Geburtstag" and then picking the version that is 17:51 minutes long! Skip to 2:25 if you wish to avoid the introduction in German.

Oh, and yes, people do look this silly when they take too much alcohol!
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