Review of Shinbu sueob

Shinbu sueob (2004)
A story of disrespect and disregard for what Love really is!
2 January 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I was disappointed and furious with this movie by the ending. While I had hoped that these two (searching) people, would find a true, DEVINE love, all that was realized was lust. Yep. Lust wins. I think I could have accepted it if the two individuals had come to an honest realization of what love and devotion was and then made a conscious decision to each other, (which didn't have to preclude their love for God.....) Love is Love. And I've been taught God is the greatest love of all. But all this movie does is turn an honest searching and loving young man who is on the path to a lifetime serving God into a bumbling idiot who can not control his "desires". And the girl. Oh please. She was a horror from the beginning her totally insulting irreverence to anything good or true. She mocks the Faith of the young man, and instead of his being steadfast and perhaps even showing her the true Light of life, he becomes just another fallen man, unable to resist the twitching of a female; he must accept he has "sinned" and turn away from the true Love his life. Oh, and I must mention, the film even positions Our Blessed Mother against the heroin of the story...and yup....the twitching insolent female beats our Lady at every turn. I am most disappointed that the young ones of our society will view the film and see it as a victory for what the film's definition of "true love" is. There is no love, no romance, no sacrifice and dedication between two people in Love, no expression of "true love". And even though I was pretty disgusted watching this story play out, I kept holding out that in the end, .maybe there would be some redeeming quality to the woman, something that would make her worthy of the young seminarian turning his back on his vocation. And what were we left with? Her again drinking the Holy Water directly from the basin, not because she was thirsty, this act had remained what is was from the beginning of the movie....and act of insolence and disrespect. Don't waste your time with this story, but if you do, please post your opinions somewhere so the public isn't left only with the movie's opinion on the subject of "Devine" Love.
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