Review of 10,000 BC

10,000 BC (2008)
What a waste. It had potential.
11 January 2018
Despite the horrid acting, bizarre fantasy setting (don't think this is even trying to depict how 10,000 BC was like), dullness, an inconsequential predictable plot and corny dialogue the film manages to be somewhat entertaining due to some action scenes and some nice visuals. I just don't know what Roland Emmerich was trying to accomplish with this movie. This guy was like "place a couple Hollywood actors there, make up an elementary plot, throw them some cheap customes, make tiger cgi so that we can create a poster (tiger only appears in one scene which last ~ 1-2 minutes), come up with some cheesy dialogue and paste it all together in some form or another". Style over substance here.

Rating: 4/10 - Failed.
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