Makes Cecil B Demille look like a hack fraud
13 January 2018
From the incomprehensible dialogue to the wild gesticulation of characters trying to convey emotion, to self-tanned twink Ramses and the sidekick dog who sounds like his voice actor's only direction was "Do it more like if Scooby Doo was a racist," on top of the fact that it is only the story of Moses on a technicality, in that is is a story and the main character is a guy named Moses, this movie is truly grotesque. If you're reading this review, I first invite you to reconsider every choice you've made that lead you to this point, and then I invite you to never show this to any children, it's devoid of any value whatsoever. It is not the story of Moses, it lacks the messages of perseverance, compassion, trust and self sacrifice that make that story great in exchange for recycled animation, continuity errors and Egypt based cat puns. If you're looking for a fun bad movie to watch with some friends, you can certainly do worse than this, its grotesque canyon of quality can be a lot of fun with the right friends.
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