New perspectives on work-life balance
1 February 2018
Warning: Spoilers
"Frohes Schaffen - Ein Film zur Senkung der Arbeitsmoral" or "Keep Up the Good Work" is a 100-minute documentary movie from 2012, so this one had its 5th anniversary last year. Writer and director is Konstantin Faigle, who died far too early, and here we have the final work of his career, so lets first of all send a rip his way and it makes me wonder what could have been as this was an interesting and insightful documentary on one of the most important subjects of our time. How to lead a fulfilling life without living to work, maybe working to live? It gives all kind of perspectives and tries to make a connection between life with(out) work and leading a happy life. I must say I liked Faigle's ideas and approach a lot, also because it does not go in hand with the German government's approach (sadly for decades already) of pushing people into minimum-wage jobs under the threat of robbing them of their financial existence if they do not agree to act as modern slaves. And that's how the amount uf unemployed gets reduced more and more via the most inhumane way possible and they still have the audacity to pat their backs for these actions. A really sad state of affairs. Okay I am drifting a bit away from the film here now, so lets return to it. I want to say that I liked the English-language parts as much as the German parts (maybe get subtitles if you aren't fluent in English). These take the entire film to a new level elaborating on a broader scale of things if you want to say so. I personally believe this award-nominated film (that is longer than it says here on imdb, at least the version I saw) is criminally underseen as chances are good it has a direct impact on your life and how you perceive economy and industry from your very own personal perspective. Yes it is underseen even here in Germany, especially here in Germany, let alone abroad where it honestly can make an impact too with its global, philosophical or just human aspects. Watch it, very well done.
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