Ronny & i (2013)
Do yourself a favor and watch "Ronny & I"
13 March 2018
Do yourself a favor and watch "Ronny & I".

I am now 95 years old, and counting. I have served as a U.S. Navy commissioned officer in four wars, declared and undeclared, and have done so as a career intelligence officer in the Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI) and as the captain of a U.S. Navy combat ship while in active shooting combat - the single most rewarding privileged time that I have spent in my life. I have accumulated enough academic degrees to gag a goat. And I consider myself to be of the same school of Realpolitik as - god help me - Dr. Henry Kissinger. Which is to say I am old; I am experienced in riding the ups and downs of the vicissitudes of life; I have been riddled in combat sufficiently enough to be declared entirely dead twice; and I am no longer young and foolish, or an untrammeled youthful romantic. So when those bad memories come flooding back as they do from time-to-time, I watch yet again "Ronny & I" (2013) and then I am instantly rejuvenated back to my old resilient self, the same old resilient self that has served me so well in life.

Consequently may I be permitted to recommend to you to spend those few fleeting minutes watching "Ronny & I" as I frequently do and maybe, just maybe you too will emerge feeling rejuvenated as I do, time and time again.

Parenthetically, may I also be permitted to encourage anyone who regards "Ronny & I" to be "Unrealistic garbage" to seek out whatever exquisite punishment that they so richly deserve. And then do it again.

"Ronny & I" gets my well-deserved IMDb 8.5, or rounding up, my IMDb 9.
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