mixed feelings about this especially compared to remake Young At Heart
4 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
All we reviewers seem to agree that John Garfield shines as an antihero/nonconformist in his breakthrough role. And it is a good film.... however! Musically, Sinatra at piano and singing, throughout the film YOUNG AT HEART not just in the first scenes, works better than Garfield not shown AT ALL musically, after the first third of the film. There is also a better musical AND romantic connection in YOUNG AT HEART, between Sinatra and Doris Day, than there is between Garfield and Lane in FOUR DAUGHTERS. Watch them back to back and see what I mean. The scenes in Micky and Ann's (Garfield and Lane's) apartment and in the restaurant they visit right afterward, don't suggest much love or chemistry between them. There is no touching at all. Garfield even makes a crack about how he might split on her for a touring job, if he had the money to do it. She replies calmly that she wouldn't be surprised, or something like that. Not romantic! I think there is more love depicted in the same scenes with Sinatra and Day. And then there is the issue of Mickey Borden being apparently unemployable. What? He was good enough for Felix (Jeffrey Lynn character) to hire him to orchestrate a piece for which Felix won a prize. Yet he cannot get a job even playing piano in New York City? And he's referred to as not really talented, later in the film. That does not compute for me. He wouldn't have been hired!

Now, I think one could make the case that FOUR DAUGHTERS has the stronger ending.....with Mickey dying and freeing up Ann to marry Felix, who is obviously still in love with her even though he was jilted at the altar. Sinatra had that much clout that he could force a sappy, happy ending to Young At Heart, happy for HIS character! But other than that, I think that YOUNG AT HEART is better in some ways. Doris Day turning to Barney (Sinatra) and LOVING him, while still not over the Felix character (now called Alex and played by the always attractive and endearing Gig Young), is more believable in this version.

It is also better to set the Garfield/Sinatra character up as quite talented, which is only successfully done in YOUNG AT HEART. That makes his pessimism, malaise and frustration more interesting and poignant.

Both May Robson and Ethel Barrymore are superb in their roles as the aunt.
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