Tentacles (1977)
Just wanted to add the one thing all the others missed....
7 May 2018
And that is it might have been a cheesy rip-off of Jaws - but then there's any number of those around, without Jaws we wouldn't have Sharknado, or Sharktopus, or Sandsharks, or........!! - but it was a very successful cheesy rip off of Jaws. Look at the IMDB figures. Less than a million to make, made 3 mil. worldwide. So it made nearly 4 times its money. That's not a bad return.

I've seen lots of better reviewed films here that didn't make 4 times their investment. I wonder if anyone could do a list of the most profitable films in terms of money received over money they cost to make, rather than just how many millions they made, forgetting the millions they COST to make? I think a well-researched list would be very interesting, would have a LOT of Oriental movies in it (because there's a LOT of Orientals who watch films - Mandarin is, after all, the most widely spoken language in the world -) and would highlight a lot of movies people otherwise wouldn't have heard of.

In a list of money-received-over-money-spent movies, I wonder what the top 10/number 1 would be?? I'd be fascinated to find that out (even though it could well be Blair Witch.... or not!?!)

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