Alien degli abissi: Cheesy but competent b-movie
8 May 2018
I am and have always been a fan of Italian cinema, especially horror. The Italians used to be the masters of it but sadly that ended in the 1990's.

This late 80's monster feature tells the story of an evil cooporation dumping nuclear waste into a volcano on a secluded island. It's down to a reporter, her cameraman and a er.....snake expert to bring them down.

But of course things aren't that simple, we have to throw into the mix an alien monster creature....thing.

Starring the always excellent Charles Napier, this above average monster film is actually well made but suffers on levels you would naturally expect. From the questionable script to the views of the monster being so restricted Alien From The Deep was doomed from the start but manages to remain watchable regardless.

Not one of the many Italian masterpieces but a harmless fluff piece for fans of the genre.

The Good:

Charles Napier

SFX are above par

The Bad:

Some of the script is rather bad

Monster doesn't get enough real screentime

Things I Learnt From This Movie:

In order to strike their foes Snakes can jump 6ft vertically

A snake bite to the ankle will cause a wound in the knee
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