Neither "cult" nor "camp" -- just plain lousy!
11 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this in the theaters when it came out. I did not think, it was a good picture then. All it did do was add to my impression that the European temperament does not lend itself to doing either sci-fi or blockbusters or sci-fi blockbusters.

Recently, I decided to watch it again, thinking that I (perhaps) judged it too harshly. When I got to the ridiculous scene of Zorg choking on a cherry, I turned it off. No, I was not going to waste another two hours of my life on this awful, awful film.

The film is immensely boring: Over and over again, the same over-the-top, silly scenarios are constructed. Everything, every character has to have some kind of oddity, from the opera-singing alien who suddenly riffs into some kind of weird "pop jazz" to the various oddball hats, cranial implants, and just-plain-silly hairstyles that are given out to people. None of it shocks or surprises; rather, all it does is bore. You think: "I wonder which wacko, nutty thing Besson is going to have happen or what ridiculous outfit will Gaultier have them wear?" And, predictably . . .

Does Chris Tucker deserve the "Jar Jar Binx Award" for singlehandedly ruining this film? Perhaps, not: The film is already awful. His performance just takes it to a lower level of awfulness.

The visuals are, well, the 90's: a lot of mustard yellows, greens, and bright pink. None of it works well together.

The costumes are, well, Jean-Paul Gaultier: not designed in any way, shape, or form to be worn by anybody. Imagine a real police officer trying to lumber around in the outfit he designed! The military uniforms are something out of a cartoon. Maybe, that is what Gaultier wanted, namely, to play with different gestalts. But, whereas it might work for a fashion or art show, it does not work here where there has to be some semblance of a reality with people really living with these outfits and clothes. Having gadgets jump out at one from every side or come out of every orifice does not make for an interesting scene. Gaultier seems to ascribe to the philosophy: "More is more". It ain't; it just adds clutter.

Instead, this movie falls all over itself with trying to remind the viewer at every instant: "This is a sci-fi film you are watching!" So overly self-conscious . . .

The musical score is intrusive and overbearing.

Although I am glad that I refreshed my memory as to why I thought this film was so bad, it is a half hour that I will not get back.
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