Propaganda movie. Not worth wasting your time on.
13 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Nazi propaganda minister Goebels would hail this video. The "alternative truths" in this movie are more numerous than beggars in Rome. The video is full of pseudoscience, anecdotal evidence and hear-say.

They completely twisted the way human metabolism works. They even said that sugar is not really important in diabetes. According to them, eating sugar is much more healthy than eating any animal-based product.

I have diabetes mellitus. I know how sugar affects me, compared to how cheese, milk or (unprocessed) meat affects me. Sugar doesn't cause just one disease. It's the #1 cause of cancer. More dangerous than tobacco. The only chemicals as harmful as sugar are pesticides and food preservatives. So they can repeat their lies to an average dumb viewer, but they can't tell it to someone having the disease.

They also claim that Big Pharma has conspired with the meet industry to poison us. Now, there's no doubt that preservatives like E250 used in PROCESSED meat (not fresh) are carcinogenic. They are deliberately put there and approved by food agencies all over the world. Even though there are healthier food preservatives.

But he forgot to say that Big Pharma is in bed with the GMO producers too. And with chemical companies producing normal pesticides. They forgot to say that Bayer is buying Monsanto. And it's not the only marriage between Big Pharma and GMO corporations.

It's clear that producers wanted to avoid showing bad sides of the vegan diet, and true conspiracies that exist, pushing just one sided agenda, which makes this a propaganda movie.
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