Trust the general IMDB rating, not the individual reviews.
19 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This film has been given such a poor and unfair review that I feel compelled to bring some fairness to it. It is definitely not a 1/10. People who rated this 1/10 either did not pay attention to the story, understood the language or simply disliked the CGI so much to be able to provide an unbiased review.

The CGI isn't top notch, but it's not bad either. It's about the level of a decent B+ listed movie. The story is what drives this movie. It's about a robot learning how to be human, incorporating human emotions into kung fu and ultimately, the art of taking oneself out of the equation, all to save the human race and the ones he cared about.

The story could have had more depth, but the action packed scenes make it an overall solid 6/10 for me.

This movie is partially sci-fi with the majority of the movie being more of a martial arts/action film. It is also true that if you don't speak mandarin, you will not get as much enjoyment out of the subtitles as a native speaker.

But in the end, it's worth a watch, and in my case, a re-watch.
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