Maybe Perez should try to do one thing well because he performs all of his roles absolutely terribly!
19 May 2018
Not only is this a writer/director movie, it's a writer/director/producer/cinematographer/editor movie. And it shows!

It's impossible to know where to start with its list of shortcoming. Let's just try a few....

As a writer, he falls in love with his own dialogue, especially that of the Barron, who tries to talk you to death over the first 25 minutes. Yes, it takes a full 1/3rd of the movie to get going.

And all the dialogue is poor. Okay, very poor. And often dumb. Like the script.

And the acting is wooden as a Trojan horse. But then they do have a massively corny plot to work with. Best exchange: "Did we bring along that old whisky that we procured in Scotland? What does that prove?" "Even the Scottish aren't completely useless."

How to alienate a nation without even trying.

Much of the 'music score' is moronic and extremely grating. If it jars to such an extent, it must be really dire. It was 'composed' by three people one of whom, it will not surprise you to learn, was our writer/director/producer/cinematographer/editor/COMPOSER!

Worst of all, the movie has no surprises and is essentially boring. Yes, there are fights and shootouts but they drag on and on and they're boring. He has no idea how to stage a fight let alone film one.

Maybe he should concentrate on doing one thing well. Because he does all of these things absolutely terribly!

Don't be misled by the review that gives it 10/10 - the guy has only written that one review, and talk about a 'moral twist and watching it twice is even funnier than the movie! There is no twist! Oh boy...

So why 2*s? Because it was entertaining in the sense that you will be looking for the next corny line, the next wooden acting move, the next bad music cue, the next plot hole, the next... You get the idea. That is, if you're still around after 10 minutes and no one at all will blame you if you're not.
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