The Expanse: It Reaches Out (2018)
Season 3, Episode 8
The Expanse is opening new doors. I wasn't on the edge of my seat, I was STANDING!!
2 June 2018
Warning: Spoilers
If SyFy executives have watched this episode, one wonders how can someone be so ignorant as to cancel the show at this time? But, a good news for Expanse fans is Amazon has picked it up for season 4 and one can clearly see why - it just can't stop here, it shouldn't. It won't!!

The show had introduced few mysterius side-characters in last 2 episodes, each one carrying out some secret destructive missions on their ships. This episode finally gave us an answer that it was all a set up to get Roci into The Ring. Electician lady blew up the UNN support ship while the cameraman guy on Roci replace a chip to telecast a fake Holden video. Miller was giving clues to Holden all along to escape UNN attacks.

Wow, what a multi-layered story with interesting subplots that come all together to take your breath away. While it solves one minor mystery, it creates new one; which is a trait of any awesome show. The Roci apparently survived the Ring entrance because Holden applied Miller's suggestion i.e. 'don't enter the door too fast' (something like this).

Now we know they are on other side of ring. So the ring was an arrificially created wormhole? Or it is something else? Was protomolecule an alien intelligent substance all along? Is Miller even a real human now? What is his purpose and what the hell does he need Roci for? What would they see in the ring now? So many questions and so much waiting.

I wasn't on edge of my seat, I was standing for last 20 mins. Haven't felt this much amazement since long time. Kudos to the entire Expanse team. It shows how hard they work on every aspect of production - from script writing to special effects and execution. Can't wait for the next!!
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