Action = 10 stars, cool vulture deaths. Drama = 0 stars, boring and impractical.
5 June 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Ok, last week I was bored to tears with Morgan's Give Peace a Chance. This guy acts like a Tibetan monk in the land of fairy tale. No time in human history was there peace on earth. So, what he wants is impossible, or impractical. Sorry fans of Morg. The actor does a fine job. But the writers have turned him from a human to something like a prophet figure. Lame! Kill No Kill, psychologist's nightmare, split personalities, THE MAN SEES GHOSTS!

So, now onto this week. Last week ended with Alicia Trio against The Vultures, each side automatic guns within 5 feet of each other. So, I was thinking that both sides would start shooting and most would get killed and all would sustain some kind of gunshot wound(s). Somehow, FTWD has a transporter like Star Trek, they moved instantaneously behind vehicles to shoot. I loved the psyche out and the sci-fi. Given it's TV who cares. The battle was great. Most people just shooting, nobody gets hit. Then one Vulture got it, then another and then all. The last being Mel. Very cool and brutal death. Cooked in an Ambulance, crawled to your killer, to be put down.

The part with Morg, Cowboy John with the bullet in the chest, Nurse Naomi, Altha the video-journalist without a pension plan SWAT Commander, Charlie the orphan backstabber, was ok to boring. Alt and Morg take John Naomi to find medicine, end up at the now zombie occupied baseball field. Real boring stuff here. Here we have the Z Team, like A Team but for losers. Backstabber, almost dead guy, Flaky Nurse, Video Hipster Chick, and Morg Give Peace A Chance. Good luck with that.

I guess the Vultures are all gone, unless somehow they transferred their souls to Charlie.

Flashback past with Madison Nick Alecia was ridiculous. Seriously this is what you writers wrote for the downfall of the baseball field and the Clark family timeline? First Mad helps enemy Mel and Charlie as Nick and Alecia object. Then, incomprehensibly Give Peace a Chance, Nick and Alecia help Mel and get stuck. They see a convoy of trucks filled with zombies heading to the baseball field. Now, if Nick and Alecia were properly written, they would have shot the first truck and then opened fire on the rest, stopping the Vultures. What we have is stupid compounded by more stupid. The Vultures then let loose 10 trucks full of zombies on the baseball field. Mad tries to save Nick and Al, big cliffhanger, Mad probably dies.

Look, all the actors seem professional and they're doing their jobs, but the material is crap. We get moments of family drama, friend drama, deceit, murder, bla bla bla. This show is not some highly intellectual original written piece. But it did the action well in the beginning. We get a Vulture recently zombified.

5 stars for balance.
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