Did not love it...
17 July 2018
I am open-minded about the risks of electro-smog, cellphone technology, 5G, and other emerging technologies. I have grave concerns about the potential threats involving the world-wide SmartGrid that blankets every continent that go much further than those only relating to our physical well-being. Being the cynic I am, I suspect far more nefarious-and intentional-motives relating to worldwide surveillance and control...but I digress, since this documentary did nothing to dig into the possible isles and abuses of this emerging technology.

The documentary instead focuses on the possible health impact of wireless technology and offers some solutions-all involving global agencies and increased regulatory/governmental oversight-to mitigate a problem that we're still not sure exists. Though the documentary referenced several studies to support its claims and features a few personal (and highly emotional) anecdotes, it relied heavily on fear mongering and scary "what-if" scenarios. I couldn't help but be reminded of the life-threatening dangers of "dirty electricity" I've been hearing since the 80s, and *those* predictions have yet to pan out. There are many good reasons to object to wireless technology; hanging one's hat on what amounts to a "But what about the children!" argument seems lazy and unimaginative at best. A cynic like me might be inclined to harbor suspicions of purposeful misdirection, or maybe another example of the Hegelian Dialectic put to use? But I only can speculate...

All of this technology comes from the military before it gets passed on to us consumers. We can't get our government to acknowledge (let alone admit) the phenomenon commonly known as "chemtrails" (another technology that may possibly have dire-if unintended-consequences). Wireless technology is no different: they will tell us all we need to know.

Ultimately, the question this documentary poses (but never came out and admit outright) is one of liability. Who will be held ultimately responsible for the harm caused by wireless technology, corporations or government? Good luck with that: government is so tightly entwined with the global corporations that the two can no longer be separated. And look how well petitioning the government turned out in a similar, tangentially-related issue: vaccine injury. (Pharmaceutical companies aren't legally liable for the harm its products do, either. Imagine.)

Finally, the filmmakers propose a "very low" tax might be applied to wireless use (spread equally among consumers, tech manufacturers, and the ISPs/providers, of course). Fair in theory, but in practice it would be the CONSUMERS who would ultimately shoulder the cost, as the hardware, manufacturing, and telecommunications companies would all pass their share of the costs along to us.

TL;dr: Another documentary about an important issue pretending to be fair but hiding a heavy agenda. Look elsewhere for facts.
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