Who Is America?: Episode #1.2 (2018)
Season 1, Episode 2
it's a sad, strange little world
25 July 2018
Sacha Baron Cohen seems to be on a non stop streak of impressive and intense satire with this brilliant show. The first episode was shocking and damning enough, but this follow up is equally, if not even more powerful, unbelievable, and incredibly revealing. Not every single joke or segment lands equally well, but, in the end, this episode is a legitimately eye opening look at the modern state of political issues and tensions in the United States. This episode's main focus seems to be the widespread bigotry against muslims among American citizens, which almost no show could ever do in a way that doesn't make my eyes roll. The critique really works because it does not attempt to excuse or legitimize the flaws and harmful factors of Islam itself as a religion, but instead exposes the heavy, nonsensical hatred many seem to have against any potential practicers of that faith, as well as the horrible hypocrisy that lies beneath that very hatred. The final segment is one that simultaneously satirizes the left and the right, and eventually reveals some horrifying truths about many of this country's citizens and their darkest, ugliest beliefs. And, it's laugh out loud hilarious, highly entertaining, and full of non stop surprises.
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