The Testimony of the Remain Movement
15 August 2018
I saw the screening of this documentary in Chester and found it quite remarkable. I was surprised to read a review by someone called Janhanlon that gave it one star. He refers to the director as patronising towards leavers in Stoke. I find this a surprising statement, as surely it's the elite brexiters who've been patronising, promising working people they'd be better off outside the EU - when in fact that was a blatant lie - and now they are suffering the consequences. Surely it's a film-maker's job to point out the irony - in a city voting to leave a club that actually makes them better off. The old adage turkeys voting for Christmas springs to mind. The whole point of this documentary is to record how the brexit tragedy has unfolded, and give a voice to those who tried to stop it as part of the Remain movement. As an Our Future Our Choice t-shirt says, 'Those who have to live with brexit don't want to.' These are real people in the film who have been campaigning tirelessly to save this country from economic and social suicide. This insightful film will stand as a testimony of a country's unfolding madness, this monument of stupidity called brexit - and the voice of reason trying to make us see sense. It's also worth noting that no one else has made a documentary on this subject - no director wanted to touch it, fearing the repercussions and unable to get mainstream funding. I commend Mr Wilkinson for his bravery in the face of such McCarthy style hysteria for the 'will of the people' - in a referendum based on lies, deception and cheating on an epic scale. Thank you for your courage and truth. Future generations will thank you for recording what happened, when big directors stayed silent. The Remain movement made this film possible, mainly working for free and providing first hand knowledge. Now this grassroots movement is taking on the brexit establishment, and they won't stop until there is a People's Vote and brexit is defeated.
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