Diamond Dust (2018)
A new standard for Egyptian filmmakers
24 August 2018
Along with "The Blue Elephant" movie, this movie changes the way we look at Egyptian filmmaking industry and sets a standard for anyone in Egypt thinking about making a movie. Marwan Hamed drops on us, yet again, an amazing movie starting from screenplay, acting, cinematography and of course directing but the one thing that stands out for me is the storytelling which was in perfect order and timing although the runtime was a bit long, and also, WHAT A STORY from Ahmed Mourad !! Amazing use of cinematography in intense and damatic scenes without overdoing and without the need of any nudity to express the feelings of the characters. Mohamed Mamdouh is stunning yet again in all aspects along with Asser Yassin of course and Menna Shalabi and every actor in the movie in all fairness. I hope we could see a lot more of this from Egyptian filmmakers .... WELL-DONE !!!
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