LEGO DC Comics Super Heroes Aquaman - Rage of Atlantis: Actually above par
1 September 2018
At this stage based on analytics (#nerd) 2018 needs every bit of help it can get and is shaping up to be one of the worst years in cinematic history.

A Lego DC movie is not going to be the thing that saves it however this particular one isn't actually all that bad.

Telling the story of Aquaman who has lost his mojo, no longer respected, humiliated on national television and incapable of defeating his foes he finds himself the lame duck of the Justice League.

Rage of Atlantis is a tad goofier than the average Lego movie, it's silly and doesn't try to hide this. That works both in it's favour and it's detriment, depends how you look at it.

The humour is mostly childish thus making it family friendly but there are plenty of jokes for the parents too.

Visually it looks fantastic, almost on par with the cinematic Lego outings such as The Lego Movie (2014).

One thing I can't get my head around however is the use of comic book Aquaman. I mean don't get me wrong that is preferential for me but the fact his appearance is so dramatically different in the cinematic universe they're trying to establish it seems like a strange choice.

Watchable stuff for fans of both Lego and DC.

The Good:

Looks great

Strong voice cast

The Bad:

More than slightly silly in places

Things I Learnt From This Movie:

Seagate is a highly original concept and I'm sure no lawyers gave this film the stinkeye at all!
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