24 September 2018
I've been watching Quantum Leap, and I have to say, as a character, Sam is written to be kinda stupid. He keeps getting himself into the same situation: he believes very obvious lies; he lets women get the drop on him; he doesn't ask any questions. This episode made me literally palm my face in frustration. How many times did he release this woman from handcuffs? He's supposed to be highly intelligent, and yet he acts like an idiot in almost every episode. I am also tired of him always getting smitten with every woman he encounters. He believes them without question. He thinks every woman is honest and pure. A person can't 'fall in love' in just one encounter. I would like the character better if he would refrain from the constantly attempts at pursuing relationships.

He can be too idealistic and too overly dramatic. He jumps into controversial causes without asking questions or doing any research. That is frustrating. The show tried to tackle hot button topics but only did a cursory job.

In addition, the acting is sometimes pretty corny. At the time, it may have been pretty good, but watching this series now is cringe worthy at times. The best episodes are the ones that are flat-out funny. Like when he leaps into a woman's life.

I would have liked to see a bit more about the process of time travel. I remember watching a few of these episodes as a kid, but it wasn't one of my favorites. If they could have incorporated more of the science behind the show it would have been better.

Al was just plain annoying. His lecherous behavior got boring and insulting. I don't know if I'll make it through the whole series unless some of this changes.
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