Review of Yomeddine

Yomeddine (2018)
Challenges of reclaiming new cinematic land
26 September 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Movie «Day of Judgment 2018» Challenges of reclaiming new cinematic land In a place isolated from normal life, Beshay lives in the vicinity of the leprosy colony after I was one of its inhabitants during the days of the epidemic, working to inspect the garbage with his donkey. His wife dies after suffering mental illness for a while after being held in hospital. In the wake of the burial, the condolences surprise a car from Qena from which a lady asks him to bring her to the grave of his wife and her daughter who apologizes to her that she did not visit her during this period until after she died .. A question arises in the head of «Bashai» after 30 years ,why did not his father come as he promised? And decides to go to his family in Qena in southern Egypt, because he wanted to remember and know his presence, especially since he did not have a child because of the disease unlike the rest of the former inmates. The first challenge: Radi Jamal (Bashay) is a human being and not a patient The director and writer Abu Bakr Shawki insisted on presenting Radhi as the hero of a film, a humanitarian case that has its conflicts and drama that affects the viewer through it, not through the illusion of being ill, in fact it is no longer, it has a history of leprosy but it is healthy and healthy Is a danger, but just scars and distortions that can not be treated. It is a very difficult challenge and I think that it succeeded amazingly. "Bashay" is a man who is looking for his origin and in this way he is facing difficulties. During the film I focus completely on its goal and the gap between it and the shocks of reality. There was no enthusiasm for emotions and a perverse sense of feeling like other local or international films. The second challenge: to blame those who surround them with non-demonization It is the most important challenge in my opinion, which gave the work a deeper dimension, it is easier to highlight the angelic heroism and its injustice through the brutality of the "natural" surrounding people who do not miss a position even hurt him because he is outcast. This is not what happened, but the expression of human contradiction in a good image, doctors and officials in the colony treated him as a state of a group of papers, but their behavior is not without a sense, colleagues colonial children love him and teach him, but they laugh at him laugh and mock each other. The most important embodiment of this dual humanity was in the position of meeting the father at the end, which gave a real and cruel justification, instead of the consumption of scenes of rejection principle and then the happy end of romantic or permanent rejection and the tragic end of the absurd. This brilliant offer of the end removed the responsibility of one of them to show the struggle of the other, but established that the issue of the life issue of fateful choices is greater than right and wrong or idealism and demonization, and this served very essence of the value referred to in the title «Day of Judgment ». That was confirmed when one of the audience has exploded near me to cry, where the truth of the work tells us. The Third Challenge: Movie Classification This work will open up a new cinematic space. It is the heroes and the history of the filmmaker who expect the work to be documentary. In the documentary, the real characters are with the dramatic additions to the story but they are not realistic, while the work of real people in a fictional fictional drama from the beginning. There is a comedy dimension to «Bashai» has appeared in the laughter of the public repeated, the work creative output of the work of fictional drama for all human beings with a basic hero with a satisfactory history, very difficult very I have not seen before, and the work exceeded the acceptable distance. __________________________________ The film produced beautiful references, the most important of which is the strong relationship between Bshay and the wars of the donkey and Obama (the orphan child) and his first-born children in the colony. They are the ones who can see it. The naturalists and the state institutions (like the police) do not feel it at all. In his life, even after the destruction of his cart, the donkey did not ride at all because he was tired, and he made the journey tax search the death of a close relative, the donkey. Despite the good gestures that I will talk about until you first see them, there were some failures or disadvantages.
  • Mixing the viewer in the overall journey, it seems from the initial talk that the place of the colony in Cairo, then flash flash scene the moment the father left the injured son shows that in the lake, expressed that the colony in the face of the general sea and the journey from north to south. This is good for the foreign viewer, but for the son of the Egyptian environment (like me) it is confusing.
  • Photography in places familiar to look, for example, was filmed in the city of «Banha - Kalubia» as Sohag as well as in more than one place, it is confusing to those who actually spoil those places.
  • To include in the dialogue a lot of cliches without spirit; to show the suffering or express the meaning of the word clearly, I see it is rude and bet on the stupidity of the viewer, but it would be suitable for the ignorant of those scenes in fact, and excellent for the foreign in general.
  • The phrase "the beautiful Egyptian bureaucracy" in the mouth of one of the beggars with physical disabilities in the context of comical comic, a joke that comes out of a certain cultural level does not affect only then, it was certainly to be presented to that in the character that she said. While it came in an intrusive manner, but it caused laughter viewers to learn the word.
In general, all the minor flaws are acceptable, especially as we know that the production was personally from the director's wife, and of course very limited, in addition to the first feature of the director, as well as the main heroes, it is an independent experiment judged by international professional standards and holds in many respects. We can not conclude before we point to the dazzling level of shooting in terms of the level of shot and the movement of the camera to get you into the scene, but the components of the staff were poor and this is now understood after the last paragraph. «Day of Religion» an authentic cinematic experience with many qualities of the world, I advise those interested to see and contribute to its success. There will come a time when you know that the work was at a level of sophistication not commensurate with the environment from which it originated, and as a result of work like it will be a start to a better understanding of life ..
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