The Shallows (2016)
There are better and worse shark movies
29 September 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Solid angry shark movie, about a woman stuck on a rock 100 yards out to sea with a shark circling her. A woman on a rock for 90 minutes might get boring, and they cover this with some OK plot devices and some silly ones (she makes friends with the seagull from Little Mermaid. Oh dear. Also the sub plot about her dropping out of medical school was a time filler that didn't land very well for me. There are better ones: eg the much cheaper 47 Metres Down, and (obviously) Jaws. The ending was a bit silly too.

Acting: not bad. She was a good actor, but not particularly likeable, which is an issue with a one person cast.

Cinematography/effects: absolutely awesome. Everything looked great.
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