Incendies (2010)
Interesting but flawed
1 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers

I had a hard time with the name, I don't know if it sounds to tell much about the theme or does it really mean anything, I would have preferred " the woman who sings" I think it would have made it much more interesting. But thats okay, now let's talk another the story, two siblings who are searching for their mothers past, only to discover that their father is alive and actually around them in the same foreign country they live in and , he is in fact their brother. Alright, fine I can swallow that huge plot twist but the problem with this script it two vital elements that didn't add up, 1) why would a mother who suffered so much want her two kids to know this ??? This is major plot hole that was never talked about, why on Gods earth would she want to send her beloved young daughter and son to that horror ??? And what point could it possibly be, we only learn that the guy tried to convince her otherwise but she "insisted" the knew who their father was (but why woman why ?) this comes right to the core of the pointlessness of the movie, because there is absolutely no reason, we therby find the kids utterly uninterested in the matter, the son does not even care if his father is alive, the daughter feels like a student doing a very hard homework and can't wait until she comes home and sleep, the girl although good actress, she failed to deliver her emotional part of the role, and at the end, they deliver the two messages to their father as if they are the mailman !!! I mean, I expected the guy to beat up his father or at least show up crying!! But NO they were near to emotional-less and again, utterly uninterested. Why couldn't it be that the daughter have somehow found out that her mother was raped in the war and wanted to go back for answers, thus finding out everything, why did it have to feel like a heavy assignment? And what was the point of knowing this if neither them nor their father/brother can do anything about it or even TALK about it !!!!?

The second plot hole is the son/father ; we never really understand much of his character, like why was he a sniper in the first place, why did he switch loyalties, why God why did he happen to be at the same pool where his mom and kids are swimming, I mean Come on, Canada is a huge place!! How could this coincidence even feel believable? (At the same angle where the mother could see the black dots, she recognizes him righ away, she dies but not before telling her boss everything and asking him the nonsense letters thingy that benifets in absolutely nothing but complete horror and shame to all three of them)

I am having a hard time understanding the purpose of this movie, I can take some extreme coincidences that adds up to the meaning before it, but here I find that the ending was only meant to be a plot twist for the sole purpose of shocking the audience, not to deliver a strong cause. If only it was the girl who wanted so badly to know who her mother was and not flash that picture to every human being in Lebanon, it would have made much stronger motive and therby sense of the movie.
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