Growing up in steer country, I always wondered . . .
24 November 2018
Warning: Spoilers
. . . how it was that most of my ancestor men (going all the way back to World War Two) were Navy guys. WHY were they humming "Anchors Aweigh" every Fall when the Big Game rolled around, instead of singing about hitting the dusty trail over that dale? After seeing SALT WATER DAFFY for the first time, I'm puzzled no longer. If they showed SALT WATER DAFFY on television more often, it's certain that there would be lots more families in Texas and elsewhere adopting Proud Naval Traditions of their own. SALT WATER DAFFY shows how being in the Navy is always loads of fun, especially during Basic Training. There are no demeaning drill instructors bragging about those Lone Star "Black Sheep" infamous as "Whitman" and "Oswald," and Navy recruits are not prompted to splatter their gray matter all across the wall above their pillow, as films documenting Army boot camp emphasize. In the Navy, fragging is kept to a minimum, and folks wake up smelling coffee--NOT napalm. Pretty much anyone would prefer to have friendly shipmates rather than be surrounded by PLATOON-like dudes. So if you want to steer your kids toward the Navy, just get them to watch SALT WATER DAFFY.
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