Master of Disguise
3 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
In "The Survivor", the Enterprise runs across a damaged ship near the Romulan Neutral Zone. It's sole occupant, famous philanthropist Carter Winston, has been missing for 5 years. His wife is aboard the Enterprise on the security team. But something is slightly off about Carter.

It turns out Carter is actually an imposter, a shapeshifting creature known as a Vendorian. The alien can change into basically everything and later impersonates Kirk (to lead the Enterprise into Romulan territory) and Bones. It is secretly working for the Romulans so they can take control of the Enterprise. But it has been Carter so long that it starts to feel bad about betraying Carter's wife and friends. It defends the Enterprise from a Romulan attack and the Enterprise escapes. The Vendorian is arrested and must go to Federation trial.

Most of this episode was a fun enough ride but the ending fell flat for me. This is an alien from a race that is in quarantine from the Federation because its people are deceitful with their abilities. This one takes a job with the Romulans and then has a change of heart because he's pretended to be something so long that he became it? I just don't buy it.

It seemed like the episode set up Anne to be the one to take this imposter down. Instead, she falls for him! It just felt like a lame conclusion.

I did enjoy the appearance of M'Ress though. Got a love a new weird race to add to the Star Trek mythos. It won't be the last we see of the Caitians.
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