Robin Hood (2018)
Age of Marvel and Social Justice
4 December 2018
The conversation between the producers for this film: "I wanna do a Robin Hood piece." "Yet another Robin Hood?" "Sure! Arthur just went out last year, we cannot sit on Hood for too long." "But Arthur did poorly, didn't it?" "Yes, yes it did, but only because it didn't have enough Marvel in it." "Ah, yes, Marvel." "If it looks like Marvel, it's a seller. And we cannot have anyone like that bloke Ritchie directing. Ritchie had too much of a mind of his own." "We cannot have anyone like that." "Yeah, it has to be an unknown so we can tell him what to do." "What kind of Marvel did you have in mind?" "Well... our hero cannot have superpowers, obviously, no magic stuff either, but remember that lad with a bow and arrow in the Avengers?" "Hawkeye?" "Exactly! I want our Robin Hood to be a Hawkeye, okay? Doing trickshots and stuff, zig-zag, wham, blam - it's perfect! The audience will love that!" "Oh, and let him hop around like the Assassins Creed." "Yes, great! We can have some cool shots of that." "Great! Who's the villain?" "Oh, we have to have Mendelsohn, baby." "But he's in every film these days!" "Yes, that's why he just has to be in ours. And the black guy, we have to have the black guy, Elba or Foxx or..." "A black guy in medieval Britain?" "Yes, yes, like Morgan Freeman, you know? A Saracen, Arab, I don't know..." "But the Arabs are not black." "I don't care, just as long as it's not a white bloke. Anyway, he could even become a member of the Merry Band. You know, equal opportunity and all that." "You know, I actually like that. But let's make him a mentor to Robin so he's not just a sidekick." "Spot on, mate! Like Hopkins was to Banderas in Zorro." "Gosh, that's so old..." "Oh, and don't forget we have to be contemporary!" "What do you mean?" "You know, activism, social justice. Robin Hood is great for that tosh." "Yes, yes, and also America, we have to have a dig at the corporate America!" "Hmmm... here's the idea: let's make the Crusaders look like the US Army in Iraq and let's have the Sheriff run a rotten banking scheme and let's have the masses rebel in London like the Occupy Wall Street!" "Nottingham, better." "Of course, of course, Nottingham! And Robin will spearhead it." "You mean, 'arrowhead' it, ha ha!" "Brilliant! Anyway, we'll have a best-seller on our hands!" "And open it up for sequels and we're the bee's knees!" "Take that, Hollywood!"
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