Steve Jobs (2015)
An intense show of emotion
18 December 2018
This is an intense human drama that happens to be about Steve Jobs.

The plot revolves around the back-stage drama right before Jobs' three product-launch presentations in 1984, 1988, and 1998. But computers and gadgets don't really matter here. The three occasions add up to give a subtle depth to the Steve Jobs in this movie. He grows up. He starts as an arrogant and despisable man. Toward the end he is as much arrogant but you see more complexity in his character.

Acting is great. The dialogue is crisp and humorous. I never got bored watching this movie for two hours. Highly recommended, even if you have no interest in Steve Jobs or Apple, because this movie is all about human emotion, (maybe appropriately) centered around a psychopathic CEO.
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