School Spirit (1985)
The spirit is willing...
29 December 2018
Horny college student Billy Batson (Tom Nolan) is killed in a car crash before he can bed leggy blonde beauty Judy Hightower (Elizabeth Foxx). Billy's spirit is greeted by his deceased Uncle Pinky, who has been tasked with escorting his nephew to heaven, but with unfinished business, Billy refuses to leave. Able to switch between ghostly and corporeal form at whim, the sex-mad student uses what time he has left on Earth to try and score with Judy, but instead finds love with the college's tasty French benefactor, Madeleine (Danièle Arnaud).

A puerile '80s sex comedy with a supernatural twist, this is about as low-brow as it gets, the movie's trashy screwball antics unlikely to generate many laughs. Where the film does score big is with its eye-candy, almost every woman an absolute stunner. Foxx lives up to her surname, Arnaud is gorgeous, Batson's neighbour Rita (Toni Hudson) is lovely, and Ursula (Marta Kober), jail bait daughter of college president Grimshaw (Larry Linville), has a cracking body. Sadly, none of the aforementioned provide any nudity, but there are plenty of other hotties willing to strip off for the camera, the film delivering a breast tally so high that I gave up counting. A shower scene, a slime slide, and a pool party help to rack up the titty total.

Also serving to help make the movie a mindlessly enjoyable experience are the '80s tunes, including several tracks by wacky new wave group The Gleaming Spires, who make an appearance at the students' wild 'hog party' and some not-so-special effects (invisibility and 'floating' objects on wires).
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