Something Wicked-er's Overview of 'The Ice Pirates' 1984
13 January 2019
"For Infectious 80's fun look no further than The Ice Pirates" 👽 Released in 1984 & set In a world where water is the most valuable commodity this oddball OTT Gross out action Sci-fi comedy has everything a Robot pimp, a half chicken Alien on the toilet, a sexy sword welding female pirate, a castration machine, a time warp that ages you 10 years per minute, Ron 'Hellboy' Perlman, cowardly cyborgs, some of the lamest potty humour ever put to film, decapitated heads, chopped off hands, a horny frog woman, a mental bar fight, bumbling pirates, ferocious Space Possums, a hilariously camp Luke Skywalker impression and best of all the disgusting 'Alien' Chest Burster inspired Space Herpes. Considered by some (mostly Sci-fi purists) as the worst film ever but boy it never gets boring! The Ice Pirates looks like it was filmed using George Lucus' rejected Star wars set pieces featuring cheesy but great practical effects topped off with a Synth soundtrack this film feels and looks true 80's to me and I had a great time experiencing it. Imagine if Mad Max, buckaroo banzai, star wars and animal House gave birth to a demented baby its name would surely be Ice Pirate!
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