Review of IO

IO (2019)
People are afraid
20 January 2019
Scientifically not correct, but we get the point. Humans are now capable of destroying the life on earth and we are already doing it. That is the point if this movie together with love.

People that rates this movie low are people that won't accept where this world are going, people that won't see the facts but continue to live their lifes like they use to always wanting the newest gadgets, cars etc. Etc.

Btw. Escape from earth are impossible. We simply don't have enough resourses on the earth to let all humans fly away in a spaceship.

If God don't change our situation we will all die: Matthew 24:20-22. Humans can indeed destroy the earth: Revelation 11:18.

But there is a hope. Daniel 2:44. Revelation 21:3,4
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