Close Calls (2017)
You Will Feel Like You're On A Bad Trip
6 February 2019
Ok.. So we've got a movie about a girl who abuses a LOT of drugs, because she has dead Mommy issues... and boyfriend issues... and Granny in the attic needing to be fed and watched because she's Looney Toons...and Daddy issues... and Daddy's gf issues... and Daddy's gf 's bf who she hired too and and and d, scare, rape and kill her! Other than that, her life is great! AndShe startes getting these bizarre, come phone calls while her father is /out for dinner and the opera with his gf. All sorts of craziness ensues when they're gone, and whenkj they come back, it's that much worse. This movie sis _y HARD to like! I want to, j start to, then it goes off on some weird psychadelic trip, so tvhere's just duo much confusion about what's going on, and what's real!
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