Brother Bear 2 (2006 Video)
An average kids movie with above average voice acting.
12 February 2019
This is a sequel to the 2003 Disney movie staring the voices of Joaquin Phoenix and Harold Gould. But neither returns for this movie which picks up some time after the first. This time Kenai ( still a bear) must team up with his old love Nita vicoed in swedish by singer Ana Johnsson to travel to Hokani Falls to break a bound they made as kids. They are joined by the annoying cub Koda. The Only other returning characters are the moose Rutt and Tuke. Neither Kenais brothers nor the old shaman fron the first movie return. Instead we are joined by a host of new characters like a sassy medicine woman., Two female moose and Nita's two aunts all well voiced at least in Swedish which was the language i saw the movie in by the likes Eva Bysing and Babben Larsson. One a famous old time singer and the other a well known comedian. The Medicine woman is particularly amusing.

This movie unlike the first one is a love story. And it's a decent if unremarkable one. Maybe this stems from me not being such a big fan of the original. . So i hade low expectations. So i find this to be about on the same level. If not a little better. The animation is good especially for a Direct to DVD movie

There are no big twists or turns. But it's not a bad plot. As love stories go it's a good one for kids and it's not too stupid for adults. One good scene is between Nita and her father voiced by Nikolas Falk from the swedish tv show Tre kronor. The songs are nice if nothing special. No characters sing just like the first movie instead it's inspirational pop tunes played over the scenes. All sung by Ana Johnsson , who has a great voice !

The moose could have been funnier. But on the bright side they could have also been a lot more annoying.

And speaking of annoying Koda actually becomes likable in the end when he makes a really selfless offer. Of course the offer isn't taken. But it's a nice gesture and it woerks out fin in the end. Although i think you could have included some more characters from the first movie at the end wedding scene.

The end is also a bit silly with the bears as guests stading side by side with humans and the raccoon is really nasty and mean spirited before suddenly at the end celebrating the wedding with the others like they somehow became friends off screen. But those are the big flaws.

Overall it's a good kids movie. But not a spectacular one with above average swedish voice acting and good animation. But not a classic.

Fun fact: Eva Bysing who does a voice in this movie played Velma Kelly in thee Orginal Swedis hproduction of Chicago. A role played on broadway by Hispanic star Chita Rivera who gott a Lifetime Achievement award from the Tonys in 2018 and a Kennedy Center Honors award in December 2002. That's quite big shoes to fill.

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