The Twilight Zone: People Are Alike All Over (1960)
Season 1, Episode 25
Hospitality knows no bounds.
20 February 2019
Warning: Spoilers
There are a lot of surprises in this ironic but serious steamed expose of what happens when a normal Earthling (astronaut Roddy McDowall) visits a new world and discovers to his delight that Mars is populated by human beings just like him. Or are they? As he learns quickly, the language on Mars is transferred simply so he can understand that, with him being told that he is actually being spoken to in their native tongue. He is given a habitat just like a typical American home and just as he is settling in, he learns the shocking truth about why martians are being so hospitable to him. All the wild he keeps exclaiming, people are all the same! People are all the same! How right he is and how ironic he will feel when he realizes that.

This has a twist towards the end that will have you in hysterics when you realize the truth, and she just one of those twist. Twilight Zone did not allow the viewer to see coming. He assumes that what he is looking at with the Martian Grieder is essentially exactly what human beings on the planet Earth look like. And indeed, they may look like that on the outside but who are they really on the inside? Paul comi plays his fellow astronaut who unfortunately doesn't get to discover the Martian secret (or fortunately in his case), and Susan Oliver show some tenderness as a martian girl who is enchanted by the visitor to her world. There are some profound lessons and morals given in this episode of The Twilight Zone, although 60 years later, I don't think anything has been learned.
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