Still crappy after all these years
26 February 2019
Warning: Spoilers
"Die Wilden Kerle 6 - Die Legende lebt" or "The Wild Soccer Bunch: The Legend Lives!" is a German German-language full feature film released in 2016 and this is as the title says already the sixth entry to the Wilde Kerle film series. It's been no less than five years since the last installment before that, number 5, and I am pretty surprised to see that they continued now not too long ago. But not in a positive way by any means. I don't know if I should feel bad for writer and director Joachim Masannek or be angry at him. He is almost 60 now and seemingly had a solid career going on with writing a Tatort episode in his mid-30s, but all he came up in the over 20 years since then is this long-running football franchise and two car-releated films that are seemingly as bad as this one here. Now the franchise started with the Ochsenknecht boys and they were the headliners for quite a while. The problem is they cannot act at all. Sure you can always at least partially blame the script and boy there sure is a lot to blame, but yeah while their father is an okay actor I would say, not a great one either, tehy sure got nothing from him to that regard. I mention them because they return for this film here too and have little cameos. The older one more than the younger one and when the older one Wilson Gonzalez shows up early on and talks to the new gang of wild kids, man it's cringeworthy and painful to watch. I think I read he appeared in some stage plays, but boy he is really just as bad as he was over 10 years ago. All hope is lost. Later on near the end he reappears with his brother Jimi Blue again and well, I cannot say too much about him, there just wasn't enough screen time. The two and their teammates from back then (including the girl) basically hand their shoes on to the "stars" of this film, the next generation. And then there is the big game against the antagonist team. Yeah well. Our heroes are quickly behind 0-8 (yep!), but of course the mere presence of the former wild kids is enough already to all of a sudden play so well that they can close thid ridiculously big gap out of nowhere. But yeah, as if that isn't unrealistic enough already, it gets a closer game again and the girl in the team shoots a ridiculous own goal. Oh yeah suddenly the other team plays well again, talk about for the sake of it. For the sake of crap story-telling that is. Kinda sucks to see Zillmann giving his name to this mess of a movie. Same about Rufus Beck who looks like a homeless bum, but is of course really a trainer genius haha. There are many kids movies from German from the last couple years that are worth appreciating. This is absolutely not one of them. Quality-wise it continues right where the last one started. Many moments don't make sense at all, like why all of a sudden before the big game at the end, everybody is suddenly sitting on (tiny) motobikes. Because WGO did early on I assume? And the worst of it all is the dialogue writing. Kids do not speak like that. It's only included to sound cool, but it feels really pathetic. The rushed-in story line about the girl joining the team is not helping either. Feel bad for females watching this. By the way how stupid are these boys not seeing right away she is a girl when she had her hat on? It was so obvious. Back to the dialogues, of course these cringeworthy references about all is good as long as you are wild and also about shooting the enemy to the moon and then right into hell keep getting repeated like in the older films with the Ochsenknecht and they still feel as cringeworthy. So what could have saved this film? Nothing I think, maybe a better director and writer in charge although i would not say I see a whole lot of talent in the child actors either. But we will see how their careers go. I'd be surprised if one really manages a breakthrough as a grown-up actor. The worst of the bunch is probably Sommerer, fittingly also the lead actor if there is any. But I blame the characters' parents here. Hey it's the summer holidays and why oh why did they not take their kids on a long nice journey abroad, then we would not have had to sit through this garbage movie. Oh yeah makeup is crap too, the face paintings on the enemy team at the end were embarrassing to see. To end the review on a slightly positive note, at least they did not include completely unrealistic football moves this time. Or at least not on as many occasions as they did in the old films. Already had a taste of Captain Tsubasa there. But yeah, the overall outcome is not worth seeing by any means. Keep your distance here and make sure you really don#t watch this horribly unrealistic film, not even if you like football. It will make you hate it and for parents, this is really not the kind of film you would want your children to watch because the music, i.e. the songs with lyrics, is so bad that it will never be used for another film again, which is fine because all the songs were written for this one here.
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