Singularity (I) (2017)
I'm not surprised this movie is from Switzerland, it's cheesy and full of holes.
14 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Let's start with what this movies does right, the CG is amazing. Next, this movie came out in 2017 but says robotics will have this kind of leap in what 3 years? I don't think so, movie should have been like 2145 or something. Second, movie pretty much rips off way better sci-fi stories from Terminator, Cleopatra 2525 to the Matrix. Let's talk about Van Dorne's plan. Because one man used his robots to murder innocents making him take the blame for unknown reasons. So the answer is killing all people, so the spilling of some innocent blood is so bad the answer is spilling more innocent blood? That makes perfectly no sense, but any excuse for humans to fight robots I guess. Thirdly, if Elias Van Dorne was determined to wipe out mankind because we don't deserve to live, logically speaking he should have stuck his main computer to automatic before blowing his brains out. Instead, he turns himself and his best friends into cyborgs, the problem is humans killing not being made of flesh. So that makes no sense other the filmmakers paid star John Cusack too much money to kill him off early even though that would make sense. Fourth, why Singularity? There is nothing about space, black holes or time travel, title makes no sense, like everything in this movie. Lastly, speaking of John Cusack. What a waste of a good actor. All he does is look either pissed off or bored through the whole movie, I'm guessing he was to lose human emotion now being some kind of cyborg but it doesn't explain him pretty much doing nothing except saying bad stilted dialog to Carmen Argenziano which has nothing to do with the other part of the movie. Switzerland should stick to cheese and clocks, the film industry is trash. I don't know how much this movie cost but since it got back less then five grand I'm guess there won't be a sequel and this spell the end of Swiss film. Because like Swiss cheese, it was cheesy and full of holes.
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