Close Calls (2017)
Things to know about this movie
26 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
So, I consider myself a movie buff in general, and am open to all concepts and ideas, but this one has me wondering what I just watched. Below are my takeaways from this "movie".

1. Chose a genre already! In this two hour span I saw the attempts at a horror, slasher, soft core porn, psychedelic thriller, period piece and comedy. It was like they just couldn't figure out what they were going for, or they had multiple writers that couldn't agree on anything so they just did everything.

2. Pick a time period and stick with it. The girl has a cell phone and all kinds of other modern devices, however the phone in her dad's office is an old tabletop rotary phone? He supposedly makes all kinds of money and he has that? It seems far fetched.

3. Pick a story and go. Stop with the hey we have a creepy stalker with a promiscuous teen, then throw grandma in there, don't forget the dad and his girl friend needing a part, but then let's bring in her boyfriend too! Oh yeah, there is the teen boyfriend that looks like he is at least 25, but then let's do away with him. Oops, here is grandma again... Come on there is no continuity in this thing...

4. Having a good looking teen run around in her bra and panties throughout the entire movie would be unnecessary if there was even a hint of a story line. It also seems a little degrading to her and pervish of the writers and director. I guess they were hoping people would continue watching in hopes that they would get to see her naked. (Spoiler, you don't, you see her butt and her boobs with pasties covering the nipples.)

5. Having at least one person that can act would be nice. I mean the girl is the best actor in this film, and calling her an actor is stretching the limits.

6. Remember there needs to be an ending to all of the story lines you started! You cannot write plots and sub plots and not give them some sort of closure.

7. If you are dead set on watching this movie and you are a fan of recreational drugs, try some acid or shrooms, and then watch it. I bet it would be so much better!

Overall, this film had potential in the beginning and lost it pretty quick. I watched all the way through in hopes that there would be some sort of explanation at some point as to what was going on. There was not...
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