Something for your heart.
22 May 2019
I saw this on a whim because I think i have finished watching most good movies and couldn't find anything, and I was pleasantly surprised. In the backdrop of stunning shows like Marvel series, GoT, etc., I had almost forgotten that these kind of movies even existed.

Story is about 2 people who have been married for sometime, they are middle class, sort of satisfied with life, maybe feels a little bored with their routine, but they are not too worried that they don't have their own children, and are not trying too hard for it or anything.

Then one day the wife sees some kids up for adoption in the net, feels that they are very cute, the husband too feels the same (they actually use a lot of dog cliches, that its like rescuing one). They go for an orientation where an adult orphan girl who was adopted at 14 comes with her parents and tells them how much her life was saved and everyone understands 'why they must adopt'. And the husband who refurbishes homes feels that it is so much like taking a beat up thing, doing a little this and that and its as good as new.

And thus starts their journey into adopting, not 1 but 3 kids because the adoption agency strongly encourages people not to break up siblings.

Highly recommended. The actors are 'extremely' good. The writing is not too clever and there are many cliched moments but after seeing it I felt that it was worth it, much more than seeing an impressive Marvel flick, thats why I am bothering to even write up this long review. Please do see it. Its for your heart. :-)..........
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