Slasher: 3pm to 6pm (2019)
Season 3, Episode 4
I'm out
24 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I'm done. I've now watched half of the season and I don't care who lives or dies. I don't really care about any of the characters in this show. Each one is cut from the over-used stereotype cloth so none of them resonate. The Druid is only a marginally scary figure. The show has become an excuse for the stupid, brutal and graphic murders. And there is no sympathy for any of the whiny, weak-willed characters. And, you can mostly tell who's going to die by who is featured in a flashback. And the flashbacks, we found in this episode, don't really matter. And if they don't really matter, why am I watching? You see where I'm going with this.

The coroner tells us that the dissected biology teacher was killed by someone with skills in cutting open a body. I just know if I finish this season, it's going to be one of the kids that did it - who else can move about in a school and not send up any red flags. It's going to be someone without the skillset the coroner spoke of. Because at this point no one in the cast has those skills and while throwing in a new character with surgical skills in the 11th hour wouldn't be the worst sin committed in this season, it would almost be necessary for this to make any sense. Either way they go is lame so I'm out. The first two seasons were fun but this one is a cumbersome class in melodramatic overacting from a weak script full of characters no one will remember next week.

However, if a week goes by and, no matter how hard I try, I just can't get these darn characters out of my head, well, then, I'll finish the season and review the last four shows.

Probably not as likely as if I turned out to be The Druid.
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