What/If (2019)
I can't stop watching this "exquisite binge-worthy trash"!!!
25 May 2019
Quote from Indie Wire above. The only reason this doesn't have 10 stars is because only Melrose Place deserves that. It's f ing perfect! Everyone is a train wreck, have secrets, are emotional nightmares...but are somehow connected. It IS a 2019 Melrose Place, now that I think about it. Cheesy dialogue, improbable situations, over the top everything. It's JUICY. Oh and the Basic Instinct soundtrack (all the music actually) in the most perfect moments-you'll see what I mean-nice touch! Netflix please a second season! PS Renee you give us a polished nuanced Amanda Woodward. That is the highest compliment I can give you :) just changed this to 10 stars.
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