Word Travels (2008–2010)
I found the presenters lacked humility and appreciation for their privilege.
16 June 2019
The stars/journalists came across as disingenuous, opportunistic and arrogant(snobby). I found their personalities and style of communication disturbing enough to write a review. Unlike most similar shows that I've enjoyed in the past; I found them unlikable and very agitating to watch. They seemed to talk down to the people they encountered as if they were superior in importance and intellect. Those they encountered were merely subjects to be manipulated for photo/video opportunities. The shows were culturally informative /educational; But, I could not get past the presenters and their seemingly whiney and over-privileged attitudes. I would have liked them more if they came across as more gracious (humble), appreciative and respectful regarding their opporrunities to travel the globe.
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